SNCU Radio Communications Group

City and County Emergency Managers, along with Police and Fire Chiefs all understand that in a major emergency, there will likely never be enough first responders to address all the needs of a community during the first 24-72 hours. Depending on the disaster, it may be even longer.

The Sebastopol Neighborhood Communication Unit (SNCU) partners with the MYN Program to provide communication between neighbors and MYN neighborhoods even when there is no power and cell phones don’t work.

The result is a neighborhood-level tiered communication network linking MYN Leaders and their immediate neighbors together. And connecting these MYN neighborhoods to other neighborhoods implementing the MYN program in the Sebastopol area.

A critical part of the SNCU tiered communication network is for neighbors to understand and become familiar with the radio equipment needed to communicate appropriately. The Radio Basics Class (Part 1 and Part 2) provides a mix of classroom instruction and experiential learning that will take place outside the classroom. Part 1 covers items such as: what is this?, how do I use that? why does this happen? And, as time allows, Part 2 will cover how you and your radio and MYN neighborhood can take advantage of SNCU. While you learn the structure and functions of the radio network, Part 2 will also be experiential as you practice communicating with your class designated ‘net control’ operator. Part 2 will touch on such items as communication protocols and message formulation, scribe functions and how to participate in and host a radio Check-in. These and other items will be addressed more thoroughly in Radio Intermediate or Radio Advanced classes. (Radio Intermediate and Radio Advanced classes TBD).

Monthly practice Check-ins and Rehearsal Drills are available to all radio operators, past and present, for the purpose of maintaining familiarity with your radio and feeling competent using it in an emergency.

Access the calendar for SNCU training dates, radio check-in details and to sign up for an upcoming class. Please connect with SNCU by using the form to the right on this page to receive updates and radio event alerts.


Sebastopol Ready

A Sebastopol Fire Department -

Meet Your Neighbors Program